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There is an old Indian adage, "Der aaye durust aaye"!  It means, "you arrive at a perfect result especially after a long struggle" and this suits me to a tee. I have done everything later in life. Had my kids at 40+ And, I also found Yoga later in life. But it has been perfect timing. Since then, I have been on a TRAJECTORY of self discovery and sharing my love for Yoga.

Why am I sharing this with you?

​Because YOU can start your Yoga journey NOW! At whatever stage you are in your life. 

Yoga had been part of my life from a very young age. My father would practice yogic rituals every morning before going to work. At the time, I didn't appreciate the impact it had on his life and mine. Yoga is in my blood and I found a deep connection to it when I trained in India. 

I have more than a decade of Yoga practice and teaching.  I trained under the nurturing guidance of Neetu Singh and Manish Pole of Total Yoga in Bangalore, India. They continue to teach me that Yoga is about embodiment and sharing it with the community.


With my continued learning, I blend functional components to my teaching methodology and bring it into the modern day. I take care not to dilute the spiritual and traditional experience for my students. For me, Yoga is also about taking it away from the sanctity of the mat and into everyday life. It is a mindset, a lifestyle. 

What can I do for you?

I appreciate that each person's journey is different. Each person's biological and sociological make up is different. So my approach is to help you learn about yoga by keeping it simple. I want to empower you to become your own teacher. Moving away from the glamour and pretzel shapes of digital yoga, my courses offers a down to earth approach and an opportunity to connect back to the real you.

Read about my journey and see if you can relate. You can reach out to me at any time. I am here for you.

with gratitude,

Purnima x


I am fascinated by the body mind connection, and how a simple thing as watching the breath can TRANSFORM your entire being. I have become aware of everything that goes on around me and more importantly within me, the CHOICES, the RESPONSES.

At 50+, yoga is helping me NAVIGATE through the joys of menopause and the ills of modern day living. 


Throughout my yoga training and Peri-menopause phase in India, I didn't really feel any different apart from an irregular cycle. I believe, Yoga helped me transition through Perimenopause relatively smoothly.

When I moved to NZ, my yoga practice became erratic because I did the typical thing. Put my practice aside and focused on setting up the house and settling my kids into a new environment. My body started falling apart, little by little. My prolapse (ug! that I didn't even know I had) became chronic, I slowly started becoming Te Kā (seen Moana? demon of earth and fire!)


It is only when I returned to a dedicated daily practice that I started to feel myself again. I started to come back to my state of balance. Being more present, accepting that whatever was going on in my body was just a transition. I understood that I had to prioritise self-care to be able to care for my loved ones (cue: oxygen masks on planes). I started making life style changes to manage what my body was throwing at me.

Since then, this ancient sciences of Yoga and Ayurveda have been the bedrock for me. A treasure trove of energy that I can tap into when I have days where I feel like Te Kā is knocking on my door.


I know what it feels like to manage a family, a corporate career and a body that will not comply, all at the same time.

I know what it feels like when you have not slept a wink all night but you have to get up the next morning and be there for your kids.


I know what it feels like when gravity is defying areas of your body you thought were in control! 

I also know how it feels to try and spend everyday with gratitude, awareness and inquiry in all aspects of my life.

With my lived experience of Menopause, it is my mission to empower other women on their path to wellness. It has helped me find my WHY and now, I am on a journey to serve YOU and the COMMUNITY.

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